West Cumbria Motorsport Club

Minutes of Meeting held on 3 August 2022 at Hundith Hill Hotel

Present: Ian Aitken, Peter Lister, Russell Grant, Geoff Bateman, Maggy Bateman, Roger Fisher, Stephen Dixon

Apologies: Richard Barnard

Pearl Wilson:

Following the recent, sudden passing of Pearl Wilson the Committee on behalf of the Club wish to record their appreciation of her outstanding involvement and hard work over many years to ensure the success of the Club. Pearl’s commitment to support the Committee and her wise counselling will always be remembered.

Condolences, on behalf of the members of the Club have been sent to Malcolm and his family.

It was agreed a donation of £100 would be given to Pearls charities. Ian to arrange.

Minutes of last meeting: Minutes of 6 July 2022 agreed.

Matters Arising:

Greystoke: Meeting to be held next week.

Archive of Minutes/Policies: More items had been uploaded to Dropbox. It was agreed to purchase a flash drive as back up.

Speaker for Awards Night: Ongoing – possibly have a Q&A format

Current Membership: 83 – unchanged

Treasurers Report/Finance 2022: See Geoff’s report below:

Bank account statement balance at 03/08/22: £x

Paypal Account Current Balance: £x Cash Account: £x


Reported notice had been received of insurance renewal, with small increase – agreed to pay.

Attended SD34 meeting by Zoom where it was pointed out that Greystoke event should have official SD34 notices on the regs – agreed inform Richard Christensen.

Competition Secretary:

Has plenty of mugs. Next event would be Rallytest on 18 September. The event after that would be a Rallytest with a night time element on 30 October – both to be held at Oldside.


Company Secretary:

It was agreed that with the passing of Pearl, Russell would become Company Secretary. Ian to update Companies House

Roger said that he had done a small appreciation of Pearl for the magazine, but it would be nice if committee members could also do their individual thoughts for a further issue.

Roger also said that WCMC had been invited to do a similar event at MSport to the WMC coffee morning.

Maggy raised the issue of several committee members not being available on 7 September and the meeting has been changed to a week previous on 31 August.

Date of next meeting: 7.30pm 31 August 2022 at Hundith Hill Hotel – Ian away

Next Committee meeting dates:

5 October 2022

2 November 2022

7 December 2022
