West Cumbria Motorsport Club

Minutes of Meeting held on 6 September 2023 at Hundith Hill Hotel

Present: Roger Fisher, Stephen Dixon, Geoff Bateman, Maggy Bateman

Apologies: Ian Aitken, Russell Grant, Richard Barnard

Minutes of last meeting: Minutes of 2 August 2023 agreed. November meeting date should be 6th not 7th.

Matters Arising:

Awards night: Deferred to next meeting

Business Account: Deferred to next meeting.

Current Membership: 81 – no change

Treasurers Report/Finance 2023:

Bank account balance: x Paypal Account Balance: x Cash Account Balance: x

Secretary: Hundith Hill confirmed dates are ok for 2024. Insurance has been renewed. Dropbox is free up to 2GB so possibly rolling 12 months of magazines could be uploaded.

Competition Secretary: Next autotest at Dunmail on 17 September, plus one more event to be held there this year – possibly over the Christmas period. As yet there has been no reply from Andrew for Northside, but a rallytest would be planned for November if possible. Richard will run the first of the 12 car series on 9 October.

AOB: Due to Russell’s ill health Maggy will temporarily take over the membership secretary role.

Geoff suggested that we advertise for members to join the committee, as we are getting a bit low.

Date of next meeting: Should be Wednesday 4 October 2023 at Hundith Hill Hotel – subsequently changed to 10 October to ensure maximum attendance
