West Cumbria Motorsport Club

Minutes of Meeting held on 2 November 2022 at Hundith Hill Hotel

Present: Peter Lister, Russell Grant, Geoff Bateman, Maggy Bateman, Roger Fisher, Ian Aitken

Apologies: Stephen Dixon, Richard Barnard

Minutes of last meeting: Minutes of 5 October 2022 agreed

Matters Arising:

Archive of Minutes/Policies: Flash drive now used for extra back up. Maggy will provide index of items uploaded to Dropbox

Speaker for Awards Night: Saturday 28 January 2023. Ian to contact Paul and Hugh. Possible Q&A session. Maggy to do quiz - car related but not necessarily motorsport. Food will need to be actioned once date, etc., confirmed – suggest slightly fewer numbers as so much was left last year.

MSport Visit: Various discussions were held including a possibility for a treasure hunt after the visit. Roger to check dates.

Current Membership: 83 - No change

No change in price for 2023. New form to be added to website.

Treasurers Report/Finance:

Bank account statement balance at 01/11/22: x

Paypal Account Balance at 01/11/22: x Cash Account Balance at 01/11/22: x


2023 dates confirmed with Hundith Hall.

Club Rules – due to MSUK requirements Ian has updated the club rules and these will need to be approved at the AGM

Competition Secretary: Russell in Stephen’s absence said that next years dates for events will have to wait until other national event dates are agreed. SD34 information will need to be shown for Greystoke.

Next Autotest at Dunmail on 20 November.


Ian attended Malcolm Wilson Rally meeting – it is to be the first round of the BRC so some changes will need to be made. Ian and Irving usually attend the meetings so will report back as necessary.

Russell had been investigating new areas where autotests could be run – Stobarts possibly.

One trophy is being repaired and new ones are to be ordered for awards night.

Date of next meeting: 7.30pm 7 December 2022 at Hundith Hill Hotel

Next Committee meeting dates:

4 January 2023

1 February 2023 AGM 15 February 2023

1 March 2023
