Minutes of Meeting held on 5 April 2023 at Hundith Hill Hotel

Present: Ian Aitken, Geoff Bateman, Maggy Bateman, Russell Grant

Apologies: Roger Fisher, Stephen Dixon, Richard Barnard

Minutes of last meeting: Minutes of 2 March 2023 agreed

Matters Arising:

Awards Night: Discussion took place over the number of awards, and whether in fact if there were not at least 3 entrants whether one should be awarded, and also that they represent the club at at least 3 events. Also if a competitor who has won an award did not come to Awards Night, and lived some distance away what should be done – emailed in first instance. To be discussed further.

2023 Dates: Russell and Stephen had discussed various dates – 28 May will be Autotest at Craig’s – with a BBQ and a raffle to raise funds for his nominated charity. On 18 June there will be an Autotest at Dunmail. Others to be discussed. Sam Steel may be able to let us use a grass field in summer – to be confirmed closer to the date.

Business Account: Held till next month

Finances regarding running of events and awards: Some discussed as above.

Discussion also took place as to possible change of format and venue – check around with various other clubs, as they all seem to be having problems. To be discussed further.

2024 Membership Cost: Suggested £15 single, £24 family but to be be discussed further.

Current Membership: 61

Treasurers Report/Finance 2022: Bank account statement balance: £x

Paypal Account Balance: £x Cash Account Balance: £x

Secretary: SD34 report – wording for Championship – to be passed to Richard Christensen

Competition Secretary:

Stage Commander Training – Ian commented that it was a pity that no one seemed to want to step forward to train for a Stage Commander role


Vice Chair: To be discussed at next meeting
