West Cumbria Motorsport Club
Notes of Meeting held on 1 July 2021 at Hundith Hall Hotel
Present: Ian Aitken, Stephen Dixon, Pearl Wilson, Geoff Bateman, Maggy Bateman
Apologies: Richard Barnard, Roger Fisher, Peter Lister, Russell Grant
Minutes of last meeting: Read and agreed
Matters Arising: As below
Current Membership: 90
Treasurers Report/Finance: £xxx in Club account. The Paypal account was discussed, and Stephen and Geoff will liaise over further account details as these become available. The Cumberland account was updated.
Secretary: Attended Webinar on RallyTestApp and reported to committee, but decided to not take up at present.
Confirmed documentation should be kept for seven years.
Competition Secretary:
20 June: Rallytest went well – 14 took part, 2 drivers had to pull out, but have held their entries over until the next one. Slight problem with results but was sorted.
3-4 July: M-Sport Stages at Greystoke – Set up will be done on the Friday. Not quite so many marshals available as Return to Rally 2020.
25 July Rallytest and 15 August Autotest Due to venue availability problems it is envisaged that the two dates will remain the same but the autotest will take place in July with the Rallytest in August
19 September: Greystoke Stages Planning is in hand and will ramp up after the M-Sport Stages Rally.
25 September: Rallytest
Championship Tables: will be updated by Stephen and put in magazine and on website
Accounts: 2020 to be finalised. 2021 spreadsheets have been set up by Geoff.
AGM: To be held in autumn
AOB: Good to see results and a rally report in the magazine
After some discussion, Stephen to investigate the cost of mugs for awards.
Date of next meeting: 7.30pm 5 August 2021 at Hundith Hall Hotel