West Cumbria Motorsport Club

Notes of Meeting held on 1st October 2020 at Hundith Hill.


Present: Stephen Dixon, Peter Lister, Roger Fisher and Ian Aitken

Apologies: Richard Barnard, Russell Grant, Pearl Wilson and Kerryl Steel


Matters Arising: None


Correspondence: CMSG sent nomination of position form to be competed


Membership: 78 Cards sent out with 88 individual members estimated.


Competition Secretary Events cancelled with on going pandemic.


Proposed Events As the club continue to monitor the on going situation with mass gatherings ect, it was decided that for the time being any events scheduled in the next month or so be cancelled and the Committee would discuss the prospect of maybe running a December Autotest at the next meeting.


November Committee 4th Nov (Wednesday)


Finance Ian to contact Kerryl to see if information wanted to process the accounts has been recieved by the accountants.


Permitts Stephen to ask Kerryl for MSA password to apply for permitts for future events..


Any other business

2021 Membership - Was asked if we should give next years subs half price or free. Was agreed that any 2020 member will recieve a free years membership given the on going situation.

