Notes of Meeting held on 2 February 2022 at Hundith Hill Hotel
Present: Ian Aitken, Russell Grant, Peter Lister, Geoff Bateman, Maggy Bateman, Roger Fisher
Apologies: Pearl Wilson, Stephen Dixon, Richard Barnard
Minutes of last meeting: Read and agreed
Matters Arising:
Awards night: Particularly successful – Awards were well received, considering the problems Russell had obtaining them. The food was excellent as ever. Raffle raised £187 which the club will make up to £200 for the Great North Air Ambulance. The magazine was slightly delayed for a report and pictures which was a good idea.
Malcolm Wilson Rally: 120 unseeded entries so far. Another meeting next week – Ian to attend.
Safeguarding: May have a volunteer, but wait for AGM to see if anyone steps forward.
Current Membership: 30 – slightly behind 2019 which was last year before pandemic.
Treasurers Report/Finance 2022 :
Current bank account statement balance: x Bank Income to date: x
Bank Expenditure to date: x Paypal Account: x
Secretary: Had received Club Certificate from MSUK and three blue books – given to Ian, Russell and Geoff. ANWCC asked for vote on prospective Chairman – agreed abstain. Agree not to join NESCRO.
Competition Secretary: Russell for Stephen: First four events of year are now definite: 27 February Autotest, 27 March Rallytest. 10 April Autotest, 15 May Rallytest. Discussion took place regarding possible routes for Rallytest.
The Autotest and Rallytest will have separate championships but will then be amalgamated for overall championship. Cost probably £25 Autotest, £35 Rallytest.
AOB: Ian has now checked through the MSUK Articles of Association against the Club Constitution and will be emailing round.
Ian had attended another Greystoke committee meeting and said that there was a vacancy to be advertised. Discussion to take place regarding the difficulty of use regarding some of the radios – Ian is to go back for further information, and also as to whether the radios the Club has should be checked officially on a regular basis.
Date of next meeting: 7.30pm 2 March 2022 at Hundith Hill Hotel