Committee Meeting held 2nd December 2019 at Hundith Hill Hotel Cockermouth


Present:   Peter Lister, Ian Aitken and Richard Barnard, Roger Fisher and Kerryl Steel


Apologies:           Stephen Dixon, Russell Grant, Pearl Wilson.


Matters Arising:  None


Treasurers Report:         £         


CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC:            None


Greystoke:           Next Metting to be held Thursday 5th December 2019 


Correspondence:            None


Membership:       79?


Competition Secretary:  None


Events:    6th Jan 2020                Committee

                  18th Jan 2020             Awards night-Paul Benns?


2020 calendar still to be finalised.



Any Other Business:


Radios: Set of headsets have been found in the states but $200 all in, looking at closer to home and the company who we bought the units from.


2020 RS Clubmans licence: With the new licence which has to be applied for in order to compete in events such as autotests/sools ect, it was agreed that for the first few events of the year, forms would be available for those who havent signed up yet.


Awards Night: Paul Benn has very kindly agreed to let the club use his venue for an awards night. The date is hoping to be 18th Jan with 7-7.30 start, also looking for someone to give out awards and prizes are being sought for a raffle
