West Cumbria Motorsport Club


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 3rd Aug 2015 at the Shepherd’s Hotel.


Present: -            Richard Barnard, Steven Dixon, Peter Lister, Pearl Wilson Ian Aitken.


Apologies: -       Dave Culley, Russell Grant, David Mitchinson, Kerryl Steel, Sam Steel, Ryan Winthrop.


Matters Arising: - None


Treasures Report: -


CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC matters: - Nothing to report


Greystoke: -       The event went very well and has received good feedback from both competitors and the local community. The MSA Observers Safety Report on the event has been received which is complementary. However a number of observations and recommendations were made which will be discussed at the wash up meeting on the 5th of Aug. Ian was asked to thank Roger and the organising team for all their hard work and a job well done.      

Correspondence: -          None.


Membership: -                 70.


Competition Secretary: -

 Events: -             10th Aug               Grass Autotest – Chris organising. 8 entries so far

24th Aug               Car Show – Extra EventRichard organising

6th Sept                Grass Autotest – At Threlkeld Leys Peter organising

7th Sept                Committee Meeting

20st Sept              Tarmac Autotest – Revised date.  Stephen organising

28th Sept              12 Car – Andy Barnard organising

5th Oct                   Committee Meeting

19th Oct                                12 Car – Sam & Kerryl organising

25th Oct                                Tarmac Autotest – Peter & Russell organising

26th Oct                                Pie & Pea Supper – Sam organising. Is Lorton still OK

2nd Nov                 Committee Meeting

16th Nov               12 Car – Steven organising

7th Dec                  Committee Meeting

14th Dec                Christmas Party


Club Website.  To be kept under review.   


CMSG.   Arrange date for a CMSG meeting. No further progress. Sam asked to e-mail clubs in the group to ask if they would be interested in getting together later in the year when event dates for 2016 are being finalised.


ANECC web site. Our information is out of date. Sam asked to send our updated details to Ronnie Sandham again.


Annual Accounts / Articles of Association.  Ian reported that Kerryl has provided a copy of the revised Articles of Association to our accountants so they can now signed off our accounts and submit them to Companies House before the Sept 2015 deadline.


Club Videos.  Richard said he would video a 12 car later in the year.


Club Nights

  1. Battle of Bannockburn car trial/Autotest.  2016. To make this a more fun type event it was suggested we consider also including a Gymkhana element. Kerryl asked to check for any permit implications.  

  2. Car Show 24th of Aug in the car park of the Shepherds Hotel. Richard said the Solway Autograss Club has said they will come with 4 cars. Steven, Ian and Richard will also bring cars. Richard to ask Paul Benn if he could provide a car and Pearl to see if M Sport could also provide a vehicle. Richard to also speak to Sam and Russell to see what progress they had made and then do a press release to advertise the event.


On- line Entry form. Ian said he would discuss the options with Flame Concepts.


Awards Night 2016. Russell has provisionally booked the 12th and 13th of Feb 2016 at the Waverley Hotel and will decide if it’s to be on the Friday or Saturday later in the year.


12 Car Issues. Ian asked to speak with Iain Tulley to seek his advice on how blanket cover insurance works practically. Richard asked to get a quotation to see what it might cost the club and competitors for each 12 car event. Post meeting note. Iain has e-mailed us information that would enable us to offer rally insurance for people who may wish to use it. Richard has copies. 

Autotests. Stephen said he would continue to e-mail out regs and entry forms for future events as this is improving entry numbers.

Club Banners/Display Stands. All banners and some display boards have been located and they are now with either Irving or Sam. Eileen has an old inventory which needs updating which she has agreed to provide.

Attracting new members. Richard suggested we should consider having a stand at Dunmail Park. Peter advised that as we are not a charity there would be a cost and was asked to find out how much it would be.

Cones for Autotests. Peter said he would check that he now had enough cones for Threlkeld Leys.

Clubs Facebook Page. Our facebook page details can only be accessed via a closed group. Richard asked to liaise with Sam to see if it is possible to make it more accessible without opening it up to unwanted content.


Autotest Venues

  1. Walkers Car Park. They have been asked before but said no sighting H&S issues.

  2. Eastman’s. Russell said he would follow up.

  3. Moota. Russell said he would go and have a look at the site.


Club Directors. Under our new articles it is a requirement for directors to be members of the club. Pearl to speak to Frazer. Kerryl asked to send forms to Pearl in case Frazer plans to stand down.



  1. Dalemain Show. Should we/could we be represented next year. Steven asked to speak to Dave Wiggins.

  2. Could we run a sprint at Rowra? Richard to sound out Rowra prior to considering MSA issues.

  3. Could we run a Targa Rally? Ian to look into the practicalities and speak with Rob Jones. Post Meeting Note. Spoke to Rob who said finding test sites, PR work, which is the same as for a road rally and catering were big issues and took a lot of work.

  4. Steven reported that GO Motorsport had been involved in a recent Autotest where rides had been offered to the public. Ian to speak to Peter Metcalfe to find out how this was done.  Post Meeting Note. Spoke to Peter who said he would send us copies of regulations he did for the event that we could use. He would also be happy to help publicise any such event.

