Notes of Meeting held on 3 June 2021 at Hundith Hall Hotel
Present: Ian Aitken, Russell Grant, Stephen Dixon, Pearl Wilson, Geoff Bateman, Maggy Bateman
Apologies: Richard Barnard, Roger Fisher, Peter Lister
Minutes of last meeting: Read and agreed
Matters Arising: As below
Current Membership: 89 - unchanged
Treasurers Report/Finance: £XXX in Club account. The Paypal account was discussed, and Stephen and Geoff will liaise over further account details.
Secretary: Reported MSUK and all relevant associations have been informed of the change of Secretary and website has been updated.
Agreed Secretary would act as Covid19 representative for the club at SASMC in the first instance.
Competition Secretary:
25 April: Rallytest went well – 24 cars were entered but two cancelled the evening before.
22 May: KLMC Devils Cones were not laid out as expected but once this was sorted the tests went well. Only two tests ran as difficulties with the railway crossing led to delays. KLMC sent email thanking the club for their help.
20 June: Rallytest – at present only 6 entered and 6 saying they will enter. Also short of marshals.
With Richard not being present, some discussion took place as to how the Rallytest championship would run, and it was decided by vote that rather than a separate championship, the Rallytests will form part of the Autotest championship due to the lack of other events available this year.
Other Rallytest dates are 25 July, 26 September, 24 October, 13 November (running into dark)
3-4 July: M-Sport Stages at Greystoke – Set up will be done on the Friday. Marshals needed for both days.
19 September: Greystoke Stages Planning is in hand and will ramp up after the M-Sport Stages Rally.
Accounts: 2020 to be finalised. Cheque made to Russell for last years Oldside payment. 2021 spreadsheets have been set up by Geoff.
AGM: To be held in autumn
AOB: Russell is going to investigate cost of membership cards for 2022.
Russell suggested that to fill up the magazine event info could be added.
Ian queried as to how long records should be kept – Maggy to ask MSUK
Date of next meeting: 7.30pm 5 August 2021 at Hundith Hall Hotel