West Cumbria Motorsport Club

Notes of Meeting held on 3rd of Sept 2020 at Hundith Hill.


Present: Stephen Dixon, Peter Lister, Kerryl Steel, and Ian Aitken

Apologies: Richard Barnard, Roger Fisher, Russell Grant, Pearl Wilson


Matters Arising: None


Correspondence: None


Membership: 74 – information from Russell


M-Sport Stages Rally – 22 Aug 2020

The event went very well.  It was well received by competitors and was a credit to the organising team, particularly Roger, who had to overcome a number of difficult challengers in a very short time to get the event to run.


Competition Secretary

Stephen reported the 6th Sept Autotest currently has 18 entries.


Proposed Events

6th Sept.           Autotest at Dunmail – Stephen organising

20th Sept.         Rally Test – Ian to speak with Richard to ask him to now put regs and entry forms up on line. Kerryl to arrange permit.

1st Oct              Committee Meeting

25th Oct           Rally Test – at Old Side

26th Oct           Pie & pea supper - unlikley

5th Nov             Committee Meeting

15th Nov           Autotest/Rally test



Kerryl confirmed that the Old Side invoice had now been paid and that the donation to Air Ambulance had also been made. That the draft accounts were done and that she would e-mail them over to Richard Askew at Armstrong Watson for them to finalise. Once they are completed she will circulate them and then file them with Companies House straight away.


Due to other commitments Kerryl said she would need to step down as treasurer by the end of the year but would of course help her successor into the job and change the account signatories.


Stephen said he would be happy to take on the job of getting the permits in future and this would be handed over at the next meeting.


All other finance matters were held over to the next meeting when the accounts would be available for discussion.  


