West Cumbria Motorsport Club
Minutes of meeting held on 4th June 2018 at Hundith Hill Hotel, Cockermouth.
Present: Stephen Dixon, Roger Fisher, , Peter Lister, Pearl Wilson, Richard Barnard, Kerryl Steel
Apologies: , Sam Steel. Russell Grant, Ian Aitken
Matters Arising: None
Treasurers Report:
CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC: Nothing to report
Greystoke: Entries filled up in 9 Minutes!!!, approval has been given from the safety delegate, forest have been regraded and everything is going ok in the run up to the rally.
Correspondence: None.
Membership 2018. – 49?
Competition Secretary: Stephen reported that the event on the 22nd July might have problems with the venue as the person he was dealing with passed away and we now need permission from others who currently are not in this country.
1st July Distington Show. Russell to get paperwork
2nd July Committee meeting.
8th July Greystoke
22nd July Autotest. Round of X Pennine – Siloth – Steven organising
4th Aug Cockermouth Show. Sam to book stand same as last year
5th Aug Rallytest – Oldside?
6th Aug Committee
20th Aug Bannockburn
2nd Sept Tarmac Autotest
3rd Sept Committee
30th Sept Rallytest – Venue TBC
Awards and Presentation
To be considered later.
Fire Extinguishers
4 have been purchased and already used on an event (not literally!!)
Autotest Trophies
The mugs were brought along and were met with approval by all
Any Other Business
Money to go towards signs, ect for Greystoke has been applied for with a refund of £300.
Greystoke were given a radio with MSA frequency on it, because of the crystallisation of the set a certificate has to be obtained which Roger Fisher now holds
Data protection, where does the club stand with regards to information members supply and how we use it. Mag being sent, emails to members about forth coming events, ect. Kerryl to investigate further as to how we can and cant use members information.