West Cumbria Motorsport Club


Minutes of meeting held on 5th Feb 2018 at Hundith Hill Hotel, Cockermouth.


Present:               Stephen Dixon, Roger Fisher, Russell Grant, Peter Lister, Trevor Place, Kerryl Steel, Pearl Wilson, and Ian Aitken


Apologies:          Richard Barnard, Dave Culley, Sam Steel.


Matters Arising:  None


Treasurers Report:


CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC:  Kerryl confirmed our SACC subscription is up to date.


Greystoke:         The next committee meeting is on the 7th Feb 18. Roger reported safety documents are currently under review and additional sponsors are being sort. 


Correspondence:             None


Membership  2018. – 32


Competition Secretary:                Stephen reported the 2017 championships results have now been finalised and Russell confirmed all awards have been engraved.


Events  9th Feb 18           Awards Night – Cancelled as only 7 people were due to attend.

18th Feb 18       Tarmac Autotest – Steven and Russell organising. Ian to confirm venue availability no later than 10 Feb.

26th Feb 18       Navigation Training Evening – Andy organising. 8 attending so far.

5th Mar 18         Committee meeting

3th Mar 18         Malcolm Wilson Rally – Marshalls meeting 19th Feb at T Bay

12th Mar 18       12 car Navigational Rally – Andy organising

19th Mar 18       AGM – At Hundith Hill. Peter has put calls for agenda items in Mag

24/25th Mar 19                Rally Test Richard organising


Kerryl presented updated 2018 calendar as agreed at last meeting. Ian to put up on Web site


Paypal.  Kerryl reported PayPal account arrangements are set up and will be tested with a small transaction.


Timming Equipment for Autotest events.

Richard asked to get quotes for electronic timing kit.



Storage of Club Autotest Equipment.     Steven said it would cost around £30 to fix the doors and locks to his storage sheds to make them secure for autotest equipment.  It was agreed Steven would go ahead with this.




Rally Test Championship 2018

Richard, having secured Eddie Shimmings as the main sponsor, had drafted a set of Rally Test championship regulations for consideration which were well received. The only comment made was whether the cash value of the Class awards should be more than that for 3rd overall.


Awards Night

Russell said he was very disappointed at the poor response to the awards night, only 7 people attending, and felt he had had no option but to cancel it. It was suggested we may need a new approach to award presentation perhaps combining it with some other activity. To be discussed further and raised at the AGM.


Any Other Business



Blood Bikes.

Following discussion it was agreed Pearl would present the cheque for the£500 the club had raised for Blood Bikes on the 21 Feb 2018 at M Sport at 11am for a photo call and hopefully some publicity for all parties.– Ian to confirm this time and date with Blood bikes Ann Moffatt.        



Club Magazine

It had been suggested that the club magazine should perhaps be updated. Peter outlined how the present magazine arrangements worked and the limitations of the current software and highlighted the fact that we still send out some 20 magazines by post that have to be printed, collated and put in pre-printed magazine covers before posting. Also we still have several hundred of the pre-printed covers left. A further complication is that magazines sent out electronically are not easy to read as pages don’t follow each other.

Roger presented a number of magazine ideas for consideration and following discussion the consensus was that the magazine should be updated, based on an A4 format initially with the tile Maximum Torque. Peter said he would have liked to have had a go at producing the new format but said it would take him some time and felt on that if Roger was prepared to take it on that would perhaps be better. It was therefore agreed Roger would take over the magazine and produce a new version for March.

Peter had been producing the magazine since Ryan handed it over to him some years ago. The chairman and all the committee thanked Peter for all the hard work and efforts in producing the magazine over that period often with little or no input from others.



Arrangements for Awarding/Collecting Trophies

Russell said he would hand out trophies to recipients as he could at events but this is less than satisfactory. To be discussed further and raised at the AGM
