Notes of Meeting held on 6 May 2021 at RABsport
Present: Ian Aitken, Russell Grant, Richard Barnard, Geoff Bateman, Maggy Bateman
Apologies: Pearl Wilson, Peter Lister, Stephen Dixon, Roger Fisher
Secretary: Ian welcomed Maggy as Secretary and she was co-opted onto the Committee until the AGM. The MSUK Certificate will be amended accordingly.
Matters Arising:
Current Membership: 89 - 78 continued from 2020, 11 new members for 2021
Finance: XXX in Club account at the moment. It was discussed and decided that WCMC accounts should be secure from internet scams.
Companies House: Submission done
Competition Secretary:
25 April: Auto/Rallytest: Well received by competitors, Following discussion later decided there would be a Rallytest Championship this year with possible sponsorship by RABsport and some others. 25 April would not count, and the championship would be subject to possible Covid19 regulations. Dates to be 20 June, 18 or 25 July, 19 September, 24 October with the possibility of a November date extending into the darkness. £15 entry fee per car for Championship. Russell and Stephen to review regulations.
22 May: KLMC Devils – Marshals need to run 1 test 3 times at Oldside from approx 10.20 am to finish by 5. Stephen in contact with Miles Whitelock KLMC.
3-4 July: M-Sport Stages at Greystoke
19 September: Greystoke Stages
Accounts: 2020 to be finalised. 2021 to be taken over by Geoff when information passed from Ian
AGM: To be held in autumn
AOB: About 30 members still like a hard copy of the magazine when possible.
Richard queried if adverts were allowable in the magazine – confirmed yes.
It was said that more radios could be needed and Richard may have some that can be used.
Date of next meeting: 7.30pm 3 June 2021 hopefully at Hundith Hall Hotel