Committee Meeting held 6th January 2020 at Hundith Hill Hotel Cockermouth


Present:   Peter Lister, Richard Barnard, Roger Fisher, Russell Grant, Stephen Dixon and Pearl                         Wilson


Apologies:              Ian Aitken and Kerryl Steel


Matters Arising:  None


Treasurers Report:                    


CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC:            None


Greystoke:           Hoping to get permitt in next few week, looking at sponsors and the stage format


Correspondence:            None


Membership:       25 to start 2020


Competition Secretary:  Final championship standings are on facebook and so far no complaints, Russell has list for trophies.


Events:    18th Jan - Awards night @ Paul Benns

                  3rd Feb - Committee

                  16th Feb -Tarmac Autotest

                  24th Feb - AGM

                  2nd March - Committee



Radio Headsets:             A set has been found and Richard Barnard is to speak with the company to see if he can negotiate a price


2020 RS Clubmans licence: To be pusehd again closer to next event.


Awards Night: May have problems with trophies being engraved as owner has not been well and in hospital so cant get the trophies engraved for on the night but wont affect the awards night.


Any Other Business:


Autotest Charges - As permitt prices have gone up, it was suggested that prices for Autotest should go up to accomadate, any extra profit from the entry fees would be used for a marshals and competitors draw.


Speedway Club - One of the venues for the Rally Tests was recently vandalised when units were burnt out, one of quite a few attacks of the venue. It was asked could the club do anything in a way to try and prevent such further attacks ie: help with funding CCTV. Richard and Russell to meet Andrew (Owner), and discuss how WCMC could help.


Cone Levy - As cones are expensive, as a way of helping to fund getting cones in the future, could a levy of £1 be introduced for anyone who damages a cone during an event with a higher levy for totaly destroying one.


Juniors in Motorsport - Looking at getting more Juniors in to Motorsport by getting an old car and getting the youths to help rebuild it for competition, once theyve rebuilt it then they can compete in it.






