West Cumbria Motorsport Club


Minutes of meeting held on 9th April 2018 at Hundith Hill Hotel, Cockermouth.


Present:               Stephen Dixon, Roger Fisher, Russell Grant, Peter Lister, Pearl Wilson, and Ian Aitken


Apologies:          Richard Barnard, Kerryl Steel , Sam Steel.


Matters Arising:  None


Treasurers Report:  as at last meeting


CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC:  Stephen had received an E-mail from Wigton MC regarding event dates. Kerryl had replied enclosing our 2018 calendar indicating that dates may change depending on venue availability. 


Greystoke:         The next committee meeting is on the 11 April 18. Roger reported he had made a grant application to help pay for more signs and hazard tape. 


Correspondence:             None.


Membership  2018. – 49


Competition Secretary:                Stephen said the first round of the 2018 Cross Pennine Championship on the 18th of March was cancelled due to bad weather and was switched to our autotest on the 8th of April. Only one championship contender took part.


Events  29th April            Rally Test – Dunmail – Richard and Russell organising

1 May                 Committee meeting

20 May             Autotest – Dunmail or Siloth? Steven organising. E-mail sent on 11 April asking if Dunmail is available.

11 June             Grass Autotest – Bannockburn. – Postponed till Aug

1st July              Distington Show. Russell to get paperwork

2nd July             Committee meeting.

8th July              Greystoke

22nd July           Autotest. Round of X Pennine – Siloth – Steven organising

4th Aug              Cockermouth Show. Sam to book stand


Paypal.  PayPal account arrangements are now all set up and working.


Timming Equipment for Autotest events.

Richard asked to get quotes for electronic timing kit but do we really need this?


Storage of Club Autotest Equipment.     Steven reported combination locks set to 0605 for his sheds are in place and our cones are currently located there.


Rally Test Championship 2018

The 24/25 March event went well but we were short on marshals and lighting for the evening section. However the next two rounds are single day daylight events. It was agreed the Rally Test Championship would be a ring fenced as a standalone championship and would be decided on the best of 3 rounds but would count towards the club overall championship.


Club Magazine

Roger’s said the cost of printing black and white is 0.5p per sheet and not 0.07pence as previously stated. He also said that approximately 50% of members receive the magazine by post and it cost 58p each to send one. As agreed at the AGM it would be left up to Roger to decide how much colour printing to use in each issue.


Awards and Presentation

To be considered later.


Fire Extinguishers

Steven had received a quote for suitable fire extinguishers and it was agreed he would go ahead and order Qty 4.


Autotest Trophies

It was agreed we would provide trophies for overall and class winners on the day of the event in future. Steven suggested we get some mugs with the club logo on to award instead of small trophies and gave some prices. It was agreed Steven would go ahead and order some and hopefully have them available for the next autotest on the 20th of May.   


Any Other Business


