West Cumbria Motorsport Club

Notes of Meeting held on 6 April 2022 at Hundith Hill Hotel

Present: Ian Aitken, Russell Grant, Geoff Bateman, Maggy Bateman, Roger Fisher, Stephen Dixon

Apologies: Peter Lister, Pearl Wilson, Richard Barnard

Minutes of last meeting: Read and agreed

Matters Arising:

Malcolm Wilson Rally: Went well. 10 new members allocated from share of new applicants from the event. Complaint received about litter in Wythop but Ian checked and could not find much.

Safeguarding: Maggy now DBS checked and officially Safeguarding delegate for the club. Roger to put in magazine 

Greystoke: Nothing to report

Comparison of Rules: Some comments made, to be discussed at next meeting. Maggy to contact York Place about how we attach to constitution and cost involved

Website: Ian had meeting with Flame and some changes have been made. Possible design by associate once they have contacted Ian.

Archive of Minutes/Policies: Geoff in hand

Street Car Championship: No further details available at present

Current Membership: 53 plus 10 = 63

Treasurers Report/Finance 2022 :

Current bank account statement balance: x Bank Income to date: x

Bank Expenditure to date: x Paypal Account: x Cash Account: x


Club had now joined SD34 – requested that copy of the magazine be emailed to all members so that they are aware, and can enter championships if they so wish.

There was some conversation about entries from SD34 clubs and Maggy is to revert. It was agreed we would continue with current arrangements and deal with any SD34 issues as they arise. 

Competition Secretary:

The Rallytest which was moved a week has now been cancelled. Some discussion took place as apparently some members are querying the cost of a Rallytest over an Autotest. It was agreed that in future Rallytests would be held at Oldside when available but with no cash prizes at year end, to reduce costs.

The next Autotest will be run by Craig Stamper on 15 May


Roger suggested that it may be possible for a speaker to attend a club meeting. This was discussed and was suggested that maybe it would be possible to defer until the next Awards night – which would also make it something different.

Date of next meeting: 7.30pm 4 May 2022 at Hundith Hill Hotel
