West Cumbria Motorsport Club
Minutes of meeting held on 9th Jan 2017 at Hundith Hill Hotel, Cockermouth.
Present: Richard Barnard, Stephen Dixon, Russell Grant, Peter Lister, Pearl Wilson, and Ian Aitken
Apologies: Dave Culley, Kerryl Steel, Sam Steel, Ryan Winthrop and David Mitchinson
Matters Arising: None
Treasurers Report:
Northern Autotest Championship.
The draw for who will host the Championship this year will be made at next ANECC meeting with regs available shortly after. Hartley pool will organise the first round on the 21st of March. We will host the second round on the 9th of April hopefully at Maryport. Stephen to speak with Steven Palmer
Greystoke: The next meeting is on the 15th of Feb. Permit applied for and regs in draft. Revised stage layouts being considered
Correspondence: None
Membership: In 2016 was 93. 2017 membership is 36 already.
Competition Secretary: Items covered under ANECC
Events 22 Jan Tarmac Autotest at Dub Hall – Stephen, Peter and Ian
6 Feb Committee Meeting at Hundith Hill
10 Feb Awards Night – Russell organising
19Feb Tarmac Autotest at Maryport? – Peter organising
22 Feb 12 Car – Andy Barnard organising. Note change of date as 15 Feb clashes with Greystoke meeting.
6 March Committee Meeting
11 March Malcolm Wilson Rally – Ian going to meetings and will report.
13 March 12 Car –back to Monday evening? Who will organise?
20 March AGM – To be held at Hundith Hill
25/26 March 2 day Autotest Richard organising. Good progress so far.
3 April Committee Meeting
9 April Tarmac Autotest –
As 2nd round of Northern Autotest Chamopionship
Remainder of 2017 calendar in draft form is attached. Stephen to consider if any dates should change to best fit in with other area events for discussion at next meeting.
Missing Award: The Stage Navigator Cup is the only one still missing and Russell believes he may have located it.
Autotest Competitor Numbers: Richard said they would be available for the 22ndJan.
Club Display at Hotel: To consider later.
Awards Night 2017: 10th Febuary at Waverly in Workington. Menu and order form to go again in next magazine.
Stephen presented the final 2016 championship results. Russell to arrange purchase and engraving of awards. Richard to put results on Facebook ect to hopefully encourage award winners to attend and liaise with Russell regarding the Spirit of the Autotest Award.
Future Autotest Venues. Stephen has asked Copleland Borough Council about possible venues, was in contact with the facilities management team and asked them to come along to an event with a view to showing them how their run etc etc. Richard Trying to get Eastmands again for another Autotest.
Any Other Business
Peter advised that his new mobile number is 07710404189
Web Site Some of the contact details on the web site are out of date and are in fields that can only be changed by the web designer. Peter asked to contact Steve Bishop and ask for updates to be made.