West Cumbria Motorsport Club


Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting held on 6th July 2015 at the Shepherd’s Hotel.


Present: -            Richard Barnard, Steven Dixon, Russell Grant, David Mitchinson, Pearl Wilson, Kerryl Steel, Sam Steel, Ian Aitken.


The meeting was called because at the clubs AGM on the 16th of March it emerged that the clubs articles of association needed to be updated. Revised articles of association had been produced and made available to members via the clubs web site for their comments prior to the meeting. No comments had been received and following discussion the meeting unanimously ratified the revised articles.


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 6th July 2015 at the Shepherd’s Hotel.


Present: -            Richard Barnard, Steven Dixon, Russell Grant, David Mitchinson, Pearl Wilson, Kerryl Steel, Sam Steel, Ian Aitken.


Apologies: -       Dave Culley, Peter Lister, Ryan Winthrop.


Matters Arising: - None


CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC matters: - Nothing to report


Greystoke: -       All arrangements are in hand.


Correspondence: -          None.


Membership: -                 70.


Competition Secretary: -

 Events: -             12th July               Greystoke Stages

19th July               Grass Autotest – Revised date.  James organising for a 1.30 pm start.

To be run under a taster event permit.

1st Aug                 Cockermouth Show – No stand this year. Re-consider next year.

3rd Aug                  Committee Meeting.

10th Aug               Grass Autotest – Chris organising.

24th Aug               Car Show – Extra EventRichard organising.

6th Sept                Grass Autotest – At Threlkeld Leys Peter organising.

7th Sept                Committee Meeting.

20st Sept              Tarmac Autotest – Revised date.  Stephen organising.

28th Sept              12 Car – Revised date – Richard to ask his dad if he will organise it.

5th Oct                   Committee Meeting

19th Oct                                12 Car – Sam & Kerryl organising


Club Website.  A number of improvements have been made to make it easier for us to use. To be kept under review.   


CMSG.   Arrange date for a CMSG meeting. No further progress. Sam asked to e-mail clubs in the group to ask if they would be interested in getting together later in the year when event dates for 2016 are being finalised.


ANECC web site. Our information is out of date. Sam asked to send our updated details to Ronnie Sandham again.


Annual Accounts / Articles of Association.  Kerryl was asked to provide a copy of the revised Articles of Association to our accountants so they can now signed off our accounts and submit them to Companies House before the Sept 2015 deadline.


Club Videos.  Richard said he would video a 12 car later in the year.


Club Nights

  1. Battle of Bannockburn car trial/Autotest.  2016. To make this a more fun type event it was suggested we consider also including a Gymkhana element. Kerryl asked to check for any permit implications.  

  2. Car Show 24th of Aug in the car park of the Shepherds Hotel. Richard agreed to take the lead organising this but with help.


On- line Entry form. Ian said he would discuss the options with Flame Concepts.


Awards Night 2016. Russell has provisionally booked the 12th and 13th of Feb 2016 at the Waverley Hotel and will decide if it’s to be on the Friday or Saturday later in the year.


12 Car Issues. Richard asked to speak with Iain Tulley to seek his advice on how blanket cover insurance could be offered and at what cost to the club and competitors for 12 car events.

Autotests. Stephen said he would continue to e-mail out regs and entry forms for future events. James needs 4 stop watches, arrows and club banners for the Autotest on the 19th of July. Watches are with Peter and Mitch and banners are at Irving.

Club Banners/Display Stands. Post meeting note. All banners and some display boards have been located and were used at the Greystoke. They are now with Irving. Eileen has an inventory which needs updating which she has agreed to provide for the next meeting.

Attracting new members. Richard suggested we should consider having a stand at Dunmail Park. Peter asked to speak to Ryan to find out whom to contact.

Cones for Autotests. Russell said he had the 8 additional cones to give to Peter that he required for Threlkeld Leys.


Website information. It was suggested and agreed that any meeting minutes posted to the website should not include any financial information. Ian to action.

Clubs Facebook Page. Our facebook page details can only be accessed via a closed group. Sam asked to see if it is possible to make it more accessible without opening it up to unwanted content.


Report on the 2015 Battle of Bannockburn. Ian agreed to do a report. Pear said she would try to do an interim one for the July magazine.


Autotest Venues

  1. Walkers Car Park. They have been asked before but said no sighting H&S issues.

  2. Eastman’s. Russell said he would follow up.

  3. Moota. Russell said he would go and have a look at the site.


Club Directors. Under our new articles it is a requirement for directors to be members of the club. Pearl to speak to Frazer. Kerryl asked to send forms to Pearl in case Frazer plans to stand down.
