West Cumbria Motorsport Club
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 1st June 2015 at the Shepherd’s Hotel.
Present: - Richard Barnard, Dave Culley Steven Dixon, Russell Grant, Peter Lister, Pearl Wilson, Kerryl Steel Ian Aitken.
Apologies: - David Mitchinson, Sam Steel, Ryan Winthrop.
Matters Arising: - None
CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC matters: - Nothing to report
Greystoke: - The next committee meeting is on the 17th of June.
Correspondence: - None.
Membership: - 68.
Competition Secretary: -
Events: - 15th June Battle of Bannockburn PCT -Chris organising. Kerryl needs regs for permit.
5th July Distington Vintage Rally – Russell to check if this is still on
6th July Committee Meeting
12th July Greystoke Stages
19th July Grass Autotest – Revised date. James organising for a 1.30 pm start.
To be run under a taster event permit.
1st Aug Cockermouth Show – Do we plan to have a stand?
3rd Aug Committee Meeting
10th Aug Grass Autotest – Chris organising
24th Aug Car Show – Extra Event – To be held in car park at Shepherd’s Hotel
6th Sept Grass Autotest – At Threlkeld Leys. Peter organising
7th Sept Committee Meeting
21st Sept 12 Car – Richard to ask his dad if he will organise it
27th Sept Tarmac Autotest – Stephen organising at Maryport if site still available.
Club Website. While a number of improvements have been made the names of club officials need to be updated and the site still needs to be easier for us to use. Ian & Stephen to discuss further. Ian will then to take up with Flame Concepts.
CMSG. Arrange date for a CMSG meeting. No further progress.
ANECC web site. Our information is out of date. Sam asked to send our updated details to Ronnie Sandham again.
Annual Accounts / Articles of Association. Draft revised Articles of Association have been circulated and posted on the web site for members to view and comment on. It was agreed an Extraordinary General Meeting would be held on the 6th of July, ahead of the July committee meeting, to discuss and ratify the proposed revised articles where all members are invited to attend. Peter asked to put meeting details in the June magazine and Ian to put them on the web site. Once the revised articles are agreed our accounts can then be signed off and submitted to Companies House before the Sept 2015 deadline.
First on Scene Second Training Session. Some 30 people have registered to attended Stuart Westbrook’s second First on Scene Training session at M Sport on the 2nd of June starting at 7pm.
Club Videos. Richard said he would video a 12 car later in the year.
Club Nights
Battle of Bannockburn car trial on the 15th of June. Pearl to ask Willy Jarman if he could clear/improve the access road.
Car Show. It was agreed we would organise a car show on the 24th of Aug. Ian confirmed we could hold it in the car park of the Shepherds Hotel. Details to be discussed at next meeting.
E-Commerce. It was agreed online payment arrangements will be too expensive but on-line entry forms would be an advantage. Ian said he would discuss the options with Flame Concepts.
Awards Night 2016. Russell has provisionally booked the 12th and 13th of Feb 2016 at the Waverley Hotel and will decide if it’s to be on the Friday or Saturday later in the year.
12 Car Issues. Richard asked to speak with Iain Tulley to seek his advice on how blanket cover insurance could be offered and at what cost to the club and competitors for 12 car events.
Autotests. Stephen said he had e-mailed out regs and entry forms for the Battle of Bannockburn PTC and the item to be reviewed again at next meeting.
Club Banners/Display Stands. It was suggested we need to locate them and make better use of them. Richard and Kerryl asked to check what they have and Ian to ask Irvin and Eileen if they have any. Post meeting note. Then make an inventory of all our equipment and who has it.
Distington Show. It’s not clear if this is still on as no. Russell to enquire.
Attracting new members. Richard suggested we should consider having a stand at Dunmail Park. Peter asked to speak to Ryan to find out who to contact.
Cones for Autotests. Peter said he needed about 8 more cones for Threlkeld Leys. Russell said he could provide some.