West Cumbria Motorsport Club


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 7th March, 2016 at the Shepherd’s Hotel.


Present: -            Richard Barnard Stephen Dixon, Peter Lister, Russell Grant, Kerryl Steel, Pearl Wilson, Dave Culley, and Ian Aitken


Apologies: -       David Mitchinson, Sam Steel, and Ryan Winthrop


Matters Arising: - None


Treasures Report: 


CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC matters: - Nothing to report


Greystoke: -       Regulations will be available from the 9th of May. The MSA has approved our grant application to buy two more radios and additional Greystoke equipment and have awarded us £408 towards the costs.

Correspondence: -          None.


Membership: -                                 Stands at 60.  Similar to this time last year


Club Secretary:-               Kerryl kindly agreed to take on this role in addition to being Treasurer


Competition Secretary: - Nothing to report



12th  Mar              Malcolm Wilson Rally. Peter, Andy B, Mitch, Ryan and Ian doing Start in Main St.

21st Mar               AGM – 7.30pm at the Shepherd Hotel

27th Mar               Tarmac Autotest at Maryport.  Stephen organising. Invited clubs permit.

30th  Mar              12 Car Rally - Sam and Kerryl to run. 7.45pm start from Shepherds Hotel area.

4th Apr                 Committee Meeting

10th Apr                Autotest - Forward Facing – At Eastmans

1st May                 Treasure Hunt - Pearl to organise

3rd May                 Committee Meeting

8th May                 Grass Autotest – Threlkeld Leys

6th June                                Committee Meeting

20th June              Grass Autotest/Bannockburn

3rd July                  Distington Vintage Rally


Club Website.  Kerryl reported the invoice for 2016 had been paid.


ANECC web site. Website still down so no change


Club Nights


Battle of Bannockburn car trial/Autotest.  Kerryl has spoken with the MSA, if everyone takes part in all formats then the clubs fine. Details wanted of tests,  regs, ect. If everyone wants to do  the fun bits then we have to go back to the MSA


Club Banners/Display Stands.  Richard to add the two new radios to the inventory for the next meeting.




Autotest Venues.


Walkers Car Park.  Leaving for now


Moota. Possibly been bought, awaiting new owners to get in touch.


Eastmans. To be used in April


Dalemain.  Ian has sent an email to John Slone for WMC to discuss at their meeting.


Rally Sprint.  Ian, Russell and Richard to study Blue Book requirements and report back .


First Aid Training.  Dates of 16th March and 6th April have been booked with possible venue of M-Sport. 23 people have registered to attend.


MSA 2016 Seminars for Club Officials. – Ian has registered to attend the seminar at Carlisle on the 10th of April.


Any other business


Marshals Training. Kerryl suggested we put a link to the MSA Marshals training page in the magazine. Peter to action.


MSA Media Accreditation.  Dave reported the scheme is a very vexatious issue and somewhat inconsistent.


Missing Awards. Russell believes two trophies from previous years may not have been returned and are therefore missing.  Ian and Kerryl said the may have lists from pervious awards nights and would pass them to Russell to see if we can locate them.


Meeting closed  21.00  

