Minutes of meeting held on 6th March 2017 at Hundith Hill Hotel, Cockermouth.


Present: Richard Barnard, Dave Culley, Stephen Dixon, Peter Lister, Kerryl Steel, Pearl Wilson, and Ian Aitken


Apologies: Russell Grant, Sam Steel, Ryan Winthrop and David Mitchinson


Matters Arising:  None


Treasurers Report:

Kerryl reported she had transferred the MSA re-fund of £751.22 to the Greystoke account.


CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC: Mr Forester has asked for our event dates. Kerryl asked to send copy of our revised calendar.


Greystoke: The next meeting is on the 15th of March.


Correspondence: None


Membership 2017. - 53


Competition Secretary:

Stephen reported that the first round of the Cross-Pennine Autotest Championship at Hartley Pool on the 19th of March has 6 championship entries so far. We will host the second round on the 9th of April and the plan is to run 3 tests simultaneously, 18 in total. Stephen has still to confirm the venue.  


Events     11 March           Malcolm Wilson Rally

                   13 March           12 Car – Cancelled following lack of interest in Feb event.  

                   20 March           AGM – At Hundith Hill.  Peter to put details in Magazine

                   25/26 March    2 day Autotest cancelled. Unable to secure venue.

                   3 April                                Committee Meeting

                   2nd April                             Tarmac Autotest – 2nd round of Cross-Pennine Autotest

Champioship DATE CHANGE

May                    Treasure Hunt – to be confirmed

8May                                 Committee Meeting

22 May                               Grass Autotest


Missing Award: The Stage Navigator Cup is the only one still missing. Richard said he would contact David Crosier.


Autotest Competitor Numbers:  Richard said they would be available for the next event.


Future Autotest Venues.  Richard reported Eastmands is not now available but he will approach Walkers in Cockermouth shortly. Stephen reported on progress regarding a venue in Siloth.


Web Site Ian reported he had met with Steve Bishop and a number of changes had been made to improve the web site. Richard said he had looked into how difficult it might be to develop our own web site but believed it would not be beneficial. After discussion it was agreed we would continue with current arrangements but keep it under review.


Pop-up Banner. Kerryl confirmed she had it.


Club Cones at Maryport.              It was agreed we should collect all the clubs cones from the site, approximately 45. Sam has kindly offered to store them. Stephen to organise with Kerryl and phone round to get help with loading ect.


Asset Register.                 Richard said he would update and have available for AGM.


Any Other Business



Autotest Entries.  In view of the increasing number of competitors saying they will come but then just not turning up or cancelling on the day. It was suggested we should have completed entry forms and money up front via say PayPal. Item to be discussed further.


12 Car Entries. As all local clubs seem to be having difficulties getting 12 car entries. Richard suggested we should meet with Eden Valley, Spadeadham and Wigton to see if we could arrange some form of combined championship to boost interest and entry numbers. Ian to progress.


Club Logo. Do we need to refresh it? After discussion and in view of the number of business car cards we have with it on the view was probably not. However Pearl said she would ask design at M Sport for ideas. Item for AGM ?


Possible Autotest site in Workington. Peter said he would go and have a look at it.


M Sport Press Officer. Pearl said a new person was now doing the press reports for the Cumberland News at M Sport and was always looking for input. Peter to liaise with Pearl regarding contact details.


Northwest Stages Photos. David kindly offered to send photos of club competitors to Peter for the web site.



