West Cumbria Motorsport Club


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 2nd November 2015 at the Shepherd’s Hotel.


Present: -            Stephen Dixon, Peter Lister, Russell Grant and Ian Aitken


Apologies: -       Richard Barnard, Dave Culley, David Mitchinson, Sam Steel, Kerryl Steel , Pearl Wilson, Ryan Winthrop


Matters Arising: - None


Treasures Report: - £4554. 87


CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC matters: - Nothing to report


Greystoke: -       First meeting for the 2016 Greystoke took place on 14th of Oct


Correspondence: -          None.


Membership: -                 78.


Competition Secretary: - Nothing to report



16th Nov               12 Car – Sam and Kerryl organising  Ian to put details on web site

22nd Nov               Tarmac Autotest at Maryport – Peter and Russell organising

7th Dec                  Committee Meeting

10th Dec                M Sport 12 car – Sam to arrange permit

14th Dec                Christmas Party – Peter to put details in mag


Club Website.  To be kept under review.  


CMSG.   It was suggested we write to all the clubs in CMSG and suggest a date for a meeting with a view to avoid clashes of dates for 2016. Ian to speak to Kerryl


ANECC web site. Website still down so no change


Club Nights

  1. Battle of Bannockburn car trial/Autotest.  2016. To make this a more fun type event it was suggested we consider also including a Gymkhana element. Kerryl asked to check for any permit implications - Still investigating


On- line Entry form. Ian said he would discuss the options with Flame Concepts. Nothing new to report


Awards Night 2016. The awards night is now booked at the Waverley for Friday the 12th of Feb 2016. Peter asked to put early details in the magazine.


12 Car Issues. Cover is available, it is the choice of those taking part and cover is £15 per car.

Club Banners/Display Stands. A mock inventory sheet was shown to the Committee and from that Richard said he would keep track of equipment.

Attracting new members.  Still awaiting a response from Dunmail, Peter



Clubs Facebook Page.  Privacy settings have been changed to allow Facebook users to view the club page without joining the group.


Autotest Venues.

  1. Walkers Car Park. A letter has been sent outlining what exactly the club wishes to do on the premises. No response as yet.

  2. Mota. This site is looking a possibility. Russell to visit site and speak to adjacent households as a first step.


Dalemain.  Stephen asked to contact Dave Wiggins to see if we could get a stand and under what arrangements.


Rowrah/Kirkbride Sprint. Ian said he would look into the Clerk of the Course, medical and safety requirements for such events for the next meeting.


Targa Rally Iain Tullie to be contacted regards meeting and discussing how to go about running one, Peter to email him. However could we find say 6 to 8 new venues.


Social Events Such as a Pub Run/Treasure Hunt, closed to club event of a Sunday evening finishing at a Public House with pre ordered meals to greet members on their return. It was agreed we would put a date of the 1st of May in the 2016 calendar for such an event.


2016 Events Calendar.  The draft version of the 2016 calendar is to be circulated and discussed further.


Any Other Businesss


Magazine Covers.  Peter said we still have 850 of the present covers. It was agreed we would continue to use them for 2016 and review again for 2017


Autotest Championship. It was suggested that we consider having one round of our 2016 championship run by another club such as Spadeadam and they have one round of theirs run by us. Ian to ask Kerryl to check if there would be any permit or blue book championship issues with such an arrangement.


First Aid Training The MSA may require key people involved with the Greystoke to have first aid training and EMMU have offered to run two evening courses in early 2016. The club fully supports this and agreed to pay the cost of such training. Ian to advise Roger. And also look into the possibility of offering the training on a club wide basis at say a club night.


 Committee Meeting Venue As the Shepherds Hotel we may not be available to us for much longer we need to consider alternatives. The Conservative Club in Cockermouth was suggested and Russell said he would enquire and look for other options.

