West Cumbria Motorsport Club
Minutes of Committee meeting held 5th September 2016 at Allerdale Court Hotel Cockermouth
Present: Peter Lister, Dave Culley, Pearl Wilson, Russell Grant, Kerryl Steel, Richard Barnard and
Stephen Dixon.
Apologies: Ian Aitken, David Mitchinson, Ryan Winthrop, Sam Steel,
Matters Arising: None
Treasurers Report:
CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC: The structure of the Northern Autotest Championship has more or less been sorted and has been sent out to all the clubs to agree, still awaiting from them all.
Greystoke: First meeting for the 2017 event will be 5th October, committee were informed that Roger has said he will be standing down as COC after the 2017 event and P & R Benn ended thier asscoitaion with the event for the time being.
Correspondence: None
Membership: 92
Competition Secretary: Stephen says situation still the same with North of England Stage Rally Championship.
Events 19th Sept 12 car- Sam and Kerryl organising
2nd Oct Autotest- Richard Organising at Maryport
3rd Oct Committee Meeting
10th Oct Revised 12 car date as Mull is 17th Oct this year.
23rd Oct Autotest at Asby- Peter organising.
24th Oct Pie & Pea supper now cancelled.
7th Nov Committee Meeting
21st Nov 12 car
5th Dec Committee Meeting
12th Dec Xmas party at venue TBC
Club banners/display stand: Still on going.
Dalemain: Ian informed Marion to say club wouldnt attend.
Rallysprint: After speaking with Roger, organisiation would be the same as Greystoke, committee decided to leave for now.
Missing Awards: We have found a missing award, but not the one which was missing so still outstanding.
Autotest Competitor Numbers: Richard showed a mock number plate which laminted would be good enough for competitors to use.
Blood Bike Charity: Attemppted to make contact but nothing so far, will try again.
Targa Stage 14th Aug: Ran with no problems.
Xmas Cracker Run: Looking for more an Easter date.
Club Display at Allerdale Hotel: Still to ask.
Autotest Check List: Was agreed upon as right but was asked that Kerryl be informed for nummbers so correct payment towards permit can be submitted.
Club Cards: In hand
Awards Night 10th Feb 2017: Looks to be Waverley in Workington, menu to hopefully be in Decembers Magazine.
Any Other Business
Kerryl said the 12 car her and Sam were running would start at 8pm from the old Sheep & Wool Centre (whats left of it!!), and would be about a 40 miles with finish at Lorton Pub. Also the SACC meeting was 20th Sept
Stephen said he had been asked to run part of Wigton MC revival rally in October but declined the offer.