West Cumbria Motorsport Club


Minutes of meeting held 7rd Nov 2016at Allerdale Court Hotel, Cockermouth


Present: Stephen Dixon, Russell Grant, Peter Lister and Ian Aitken


Apologies: Richard Barnard, Dave Culley ,Pearl Wilson, Kerryl Steel, Sam Steel, Ryan Winthrop and David Mitchinson


Matters Arising:  None


Treasurers Report:


CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC: Anecc reported it has a new web site.

Northern Autotest Championship. Draft regs expected in Jan 2017 with first round in March April. Looking to us to put on two rounds and would like proposed dates. Stephen is looking into venues.


Greystoke: Rogers has stated he would act as CoC for 2017 and for 2018 if required but would look to step down following that. The next meeting is on the 14th of Dec and a new sponsor is to be announced on the 9th of Nov. 


Correspondence: None


Membership: 93. 2017 membership is 5 already.


Competition Secretary: Stephen reported that the 2016 Autotest championship has finished with Rob Messanger 1st, Mark Messanger 2nd and Stephen 3rd.  


Events    7th November      Committee meeting

21st November   12 car, M Gilbey orgainising? Post meeting Ian now organising

5th December     Committee meeting

    13th December.       Xmas Party at Conservative Club Cockermouth starting at 7.30 with food   from 8.30. Peter to put info on face book ect and ask people to let him know if the plan to come.

2017 Calendar. To be discussed at Dec meeting.


Missing Award: Russell believes the may have located them.


Autotest Competitor Numbers:  Still being worked on.


Club Display at Hotel: To consider later.


Club Cards for 2017 onwards. Russell reported he had collected and paid for them.


Awards Night 2017: Now confirmed for 10th Febuary at Waverly in Workington. Menu available shortly.


Autotest Venues. Stephen               Asked Copleland Borough Council about possible venues, was in contact with the facilities management team and asked them to come along to an event with a view to showing them how their run etc etc. Richard Trying to get Eastmands again for another Autotest


Any Other Business


Committee Meeting Venue. Pearl has suggested Hundith Hill may be available and Russell said the Cockermouth Conservative Club is also a possibility. To be considered further at next meeting.

Peter reported he is currently not contactable by mobile phone. Contact via house phone, 01900 379697, e-mail or facebook messanger.
