West Cumbria Motorsport Club

Minutes of Meeting held on 1 February 2023 at Hundith Hill Hotel

Present: Ian Aitken, Russell Grant, Geoff Bateman, Maggy Bateman, Roger Fisher, Richard Barnard, Stephen Dixon

Apologies: Peter Lister

Minutes of last meeting: Minutes of 3 January 2023 agreed

Matters Arising:

Awards Night: 4 February 2023 at MSport: Roger and Ian to meet at 2pm to put out signage etc. Richard Cooke will arrive between 5 and 6 with Gwen for the food. Richard and Lynn will do the drinks. Other committee members to arrive between 6 and 6.30. Stephen and Ann to be at gate to check people in – 60 at present. Members in from 6.45 downstairs until 7.30 where upstairs to food, drink, raffle and quiz. Awards and raffle prizes to finish. Float of money will be provided by Geoff. Raffle proceeds for Air Ambulance. Donations asked for MSport charity.

2023 Dates: To be discussed and confirmed next month

12 Cars: Mondays event went well. Decided to have ‘Pearl Wilson 12 Car Championship’ starting with February’s 12 car with ascending levels of difficulty as people get used to the format. Points to be decided as per the other WCMC championships.

Current Membership: 44 Slight discrepancy noted on Membership forms, Roger to correct.

Treasurers Report/Finance 2022: See Geoff’s report below:

Bank account statement balance at 01/02/23: £x

Paypal Account Balance at 01/02/23: £x Cash Account Balance at 01/02/23: £x

Secretary: Has clubs Certificate of Registration 2023 from MSUK

Competition Secretary: May need more mugs to cover the 12 car awards. The club had awards for people who had joined the club via the Malcolm Wilson Rally that we are unable to contact. Therefore we would wait to see if they entered the event again this year and if so try give the awards to them at the event. Malcolm Wilson Rally meeting being held tonight.


Ian: Ongoing saga with Barclays continues, Ian to try and resolve

Russel: Spoke of getting a plinth for the Bowmaker Trophy, which would be backdated for the missing years. Also spoke of the possibility of getting next years awards shortly to avoid problems with supply.

Roger: Ilkley had a virtual scatter using Google. The route was released electronically and it was then the fastest round the route plotted. Other clubs have similar internet options – perhaps worth considering for the future? Stephen to ask Neal and Clare Raven.

AGM Not many members expected unfortunately

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 1 March 2023 at Hundith Hill Hotel

Next Committee meeting dates:

5 April 2023

3 May 2023

7 June 2023
