West Cumbria Motorsport Club

Notes of Meeting held on 1st of April 2021 at Richard’s lockup.


Present: Geoff Bateman, Stephen Dixon, Roger Fisher, Russell Grant, Pearl Wilson, and Ian Aitken

Apologies: Richard Barnard and Peter Lister.


Matters Arising: None


Correspondence:  Letter received from MSUK with clubs 2021 Certificate of Registration which will need to be updated.


Current Membership: 88  


Finance: - XXX in Club Account as at 16 March and some XXX in our PayPal Account.

Ian reported all items have been received from Kerryl and account signatories have been changed.

Cumberland Account. Roger to see if he could locate previous correspondence.


Companies House – Our annual Conformation Statement is required by the 10th of April.

Ian to action. – Done 4 April 21

During discussion regarding Directors it was agreed to make Paul Benn an Honorary Member.


Competition Secretary

25th of April Autotest/Rally Test. Stephen reported we have a permit for the event but that Old Side Speedway is being re-modelled and may not be available for us to use and no obvious alternative venue is available. Russell plans to revisit Old Side to confirm availability before Regulations are issued. Ian to contact Richard to see if he has a contact at Rowra Go-Kart we can speak to.

16th of May – Autotest - TBC

22nd of May. KLMC Targa Rally.  KLMC via Martyn Taylor have asked if we will run their test at Old Side Speedway for them. It was agreed we would and Ian to advise Martyn accordingly.

Greystoke Rally 2021. Roger updated the meeting on the current situation which the club fully support.


2020 Accounts

Geoff had joined the meeting as he had kindly offered to take on the job of Treasurer and have a go at preparing the 2020 accounts. It was agreed we would need to get the 2020 bank statements, already available, a 2020 PayPal statement, Stephen to obtain and a breakdown and financial statement from the 2020 M-SPORT event, Roger to speak to Lynn, for the next meeting to enable Geoff to proceed.

Russell proposed that Geoff be co-opted onto the committee until he could be elected at the next AGM. This was unanimously agreed.



There was no AGM in 2020 due to covid restrictions. However the 2019 accounts were prepared circulated to committee members and agreed prior to being filed by Armstrong Watson in late December 2020.

It was agreed we should aim for a 2021 AGM in late summer when Covid restrictions are expected to be lifted.


Club Family Membership

Russell confirmed family member’s children over the age of 18 should have their own membership.
