Minutes of meeting  held 4th February2019 at Hundith Hill Hotel,

A description...



Present: Peter Lister, Roger Fisher, Ian Aitken, Russell Grant, Pearl Wilson, Kerryl Steel &                      Richard Barnard.


Apologies:      Sam Steel, Chris Wilson and Stephen Dixon


Matters Arising:        None


Treasurers Report:  


CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC:  Greystoke part of Northern Car Club Championship


Greystoke:     Finances discussed, John Stone has said he wont be sponsoring the event for 2019, possible looking at increasing entry fees


Correspondence:       None


Membership 2019:    35


Competition Secretary:        




            4th Feb                         Committeee

            17th Feb           Tarmac Autotest – Chris Hunter at Dunmail

            4th Mar             Committee

            9th Mar             Malcolm  Wilson Rally

            18th Mar           AGM – Hundith Hill

            1st April           Committee

            7th April           Tarmac Autotest- Russell Grant

            28th April         Rallytest

            7th May            Committee

            19th May          Autotest

            3rd Jun              Committee

            10th Jun            Grass Autotet/Bannockburn


Online Banking – Forms from bank  to apply for for online banking but need to be queried as to whether they’re the right ones for  the club.


AGM              From 2020 onwards the AGM will be moved from March to February with data on that month to be agreed.


Old Venue Photos     All photos now have new homes.


Any Other Business.


COC Replacement – Still no news as to the training which is needed to train up a new Clerk of Course.



Rallytest Venues        Rowrah has  been mentioned as a possible Rallytest venue but the cost to  hire venue is £500 with entries being thought  of as much as £35 to cover costs, Old Side, Silloth and old Alco factory possible other  venues.


General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)


The Club Committee will ensure


            The information collected is restricted to a minimum  being only contact data to enable Club         members to be kept informed of Club business and organised events.


            Membership application forms will notify members of the  intended storage of their contact

            details and confirm of the intention to delete such data when members leave.


            Only information provided on membership application forms will be retained and stored

            securely in a manner to  enable easy removal of such record data, the information  will be stored electronically.


            Access to the data will be restricted to committee members such as the Chairman, the        Membership  Secretary and Newsletter Editor.


            Such data stored will not be used for marketing purposes.


            An Impact Assessment will be made prior to any proposed change in how the stored data             may be used.
