Committee Meeting held 4th November 2019 at Hundith Hill Hotel Cockermouth


Present:   Peter Lister, Pearl Wilson, Ian Aitken and Richard Barnard.


Apologies:           Stephen Dixon and Kerryl Steel, Russell Grant and Roger Fisher


Matters Arising:  None


Treasurers Report:        


CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC:            None


Greystoke:           Meeting with Eden Valley MC at Penrith, Both Clubs agreed to start a joint account for rally funds. Looking at how they start and finish the cars on stage and the possability of taking them onto road sections. 


Correspondence:            None


Membership:       79


Competition Secretary:  None


Events:    18th Nov          12 Car? Ship @ Allonby, 7 pm meet up, 7.30pm start

                  25th Nov         Possible Pie and Pea Supper?

                  2nd Dec          Committee



Any Other Business:


Radios: Need to try and find suitable headsets to acompany the radios which were bought for club use, possible quantity of 3 needed.


2020: Proposals for 2020 mean competitors at grassroots level motorsport such as autotesting will have to have a RS Clubmans licence.


Awards Night: Ennerdale brewery asked for 40 people to attend to make the room exclusive to us on that night but club unsure we could attract required number asked.

Also looking at £10 a head

Asking Paul Benn for use of 4x4 centre again.
