Minutes of June 2017 Committee Meeting

West Cumbria Motorsport Club

Minutes of meeting held on 5th June 2017 at Hundith Hill Hotel, Cockermouth.

Present: Peter Lister, Pearl Wilson, Richard Barnard, Russell Grant and Kerryl Steel

Apologies: Dave Culley, , Sam Steel, , Ian Aitken, Stephen Dixon.

Matters Arising: None

Treasurers Report:

CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC: Nothing to report

Greystoke: Entries opened Sunday 14th May 9am, was full with in 27 minutes and over 20 reserves

Correspondence: Air Ambulance lottery sent which was agreed to renew.

Membership 2017. - 77


Minutes of May 2017 Committee Meeting

West Cumbria Motorsport Club

Minutes of meeting held on 8thMay 2017 at Hundith Hill Hotel, Cockermouth.

Present: Peter Lister, Pearl Wilson, and Stephen Dixon

Apologies: Dave Culley, , Sam Steel, Kerryl Steel, Ian Aitken, Russell Grant and Richard Barnard

Matters Arising: None

Treasurers Report:

CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC: Nothing to report

Greystoke: Entries open Sunday 14th May 9am

Correspondence: None

Membership 2017. - 71


Minutes of April 2017 Committee Meeting

West Cumbria Motorsport Club

Minutes of meeting held on 3rd April 2017 at Hundith Hill Hotel, Cockermouth.

Present: Richard Barnard, Russell Grant, Peter Lister, Kerryl Steel, Pearl Wilson, and Ian Aitken

Apologies: Dave Culley, Stephen Dixon, Sam Steel, Ryan Winthrop.

Matters Arising: None

Treasurers Report: £4838.34.

CMSG/ANECC/ANWCC/SACC: Kerryl reported she had received details of both ANECC & ANCC AGM’s and was asked to tender our apologies.


Nov Committee Meeting Notes

West Cumbria Motorsport Club


Minutes of meeting held 7rd Nov 2016at Allerdale Court Hotel, Cockermouth


Present: Stephen Dixon, Russell Grant, Peter Lister and Ian Aitken


Apologies: Richard Barnard, Dave Culley ,Pearl Wilson, Kerryl Steel, Sam Steel, Ryan Winthrop and David Mitchinson




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